Hi everyone,
We were browsing in the scenery section at Game Kastle on Friday night and stumbled across something we had been searching for -- a Death Star Turbo Laser Turret!!
In our most recent post about the X-Wing Death Star Trench model we had made a first attempt at building Turbo Laser Turrets using pink foam. Several issues: They were too small; they weren't nicely symetric; they were super light and jiggled around easily. Bottom line -- it's not easy to build a Turbo Laser Turret!
[Here's a link to our earlier posting. <-- We have notes here on playing X-Wing with a Death Star Trench as a cooperative game.]
So, this is a very exciting discovery.
The TLTs come from JR Miniatures (JRMINI) here in the Silicon Valley area.
Here's a link to the product page for the Turbo Laser Turret
And, here's a quick look at our model.
Game Kastle had one left over from a holiday X-Wing session they had run. So, we bought that one -- and ordered more (for a fully populated trench)....
We'll post more as soon as we get some paint on our turrets and try the Death Star Trench Cooperative Game once more :)
We were browsing in the scenery section at Game Kastle on Friday night and stumbled across something we had been searching for -- a Death Star Turbo Laser Turret!!
In our most recent post about the X-Wing Death Star Trench model we had made a first attempt at building Turbo Laser Turrets using pink foam. Several issues: They were too small; they weren't nicely symetric; they were super light and jiggled around easily. Bottom line -- it's not easy to build a Turbo Laser Turret!
[Here's a link to our earlier posting. <-- We have notes here on playing X-Wing with a Death Star Trench as a cooperative game.]
Here's our first attempt at a pink foam Turbo Laser Turret. Pretty humble. It got a little bit better with nails poked in to create the barrels of the turbo lasers.
Here you can see our first-pass Turbo Laser Turrets at work. Not much to look at.... Also a bit small compared to the models.
So, this is a very exciting discovery.
The box with the picture :)
The TLTs come from JR Miniatures (JRMINI) here in the Silicon Valley area.
The box -- in case anyone would like to see the details!
Here's a link to the product page for the Turbo Laser Turret
And, here's a quick look at our model.
Here is our first Turbo Laser Turret :)
Game Kastle had one left over from a holiday X-Wing session they had run. So, we bought that one -- and ordered more (for a fully populated trench)....
Here is the Turbo Laser Turret next to an FFG X-Wing. Great scale -- just what we were hoping for!
We'll post more as soon as we get some paint on our turrets and try the Death Star Trench Cooperative Game once more :)
Galeforce Nine? http://rebelcaptive.blogspot.de/2015/03/unboxing-galeforce-nine-space-station.html