

Sunday, September 21, 2014

General: Vallejo Paint (our Friends)

Hi everyone,

You may recall that we were super excited about how well Vallejo's bright pink paint worked for our Pink Orks, the "Orkys".

Battle Gaming One, Pink Orks, Vallejo Paint, Magenta Fluo
Our bottle of bright pink 

We have a new chapter to share from that story :)

  • First (because we were so excited), we thought it only proper to send an e-mail to Vallejo Paints thanking them for their bright pink.
Battle Gaming One, Pink Orks, Warhammer 40K, Bright Pink, Vallejo Paints
Here are two of our Pink Orks :)
  • Then, Ms. E at Vallejo Paints wrote back to us - agreeing that the pink we had created was indeed bright pink.  She asked for our mailing address so that she could send us the Acrylicos Vallejo Catalog.
  • And, now it has arrived in the mail!  Some very cool things about that -- 1) it came from Bacelona, Spain!  2) Ms. E sent us several cool catalogs - even about some types of paint we didn't even know about.
We're pretty sure Acrylicos Vallejo is just south of Barcelona on the coast of Spain

So, with all due respect to others who are in the paint business, we are coming to have quite a fondness for the Acrylicos Vallejo company.  How cool is it to get packages in the mail - especially from other countries!!

Battle Gaming One, Spanish package, Vallejo Paint
Our cool package from Spain!

Battle Gaming One, Catalogs, Vallejo Paints, Acrylicos Vallejo
The catalogs inside :)

And, the next chapter ??
  • On Friday we just got another Fluo color -- Blue at Gator Games.  Our plan is to add contrast to the Orky's Trukk (mostly built and ready for painting)
  • And, while there, we got some purple and metallic color - to make metallic purple - also for contrast.
Battle Gaming One, Magenta Fluo, Blue Fluo, Bright Colors, Pink Orks
PS:  Here are some links to our Pink Ork blogs.

The Pink Orks "Orkys" Page
How to make bright pink
The Pink Orks Dakka Chugga

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